
报告题目:The Four Imperatives of Energy and Their Implications in China’s Sustainable Energy Development

报 告 人:Prof. Dongke Zhang

      Winthrop Professor,John Curtin Distinguished Professor

      Director, UWA Centre Energy,

      The University of Western Australia



联 系 人:景海春 (hcjing@ibcas.ac.cn,62836576)


In this presentation, I will explain the concept of the four imperatives of energy and articulate their implications in  sustainable energy development. The four imperatives are, in the order of importance, Power Density, Energy Density, Cost, and Scale.

I will share some of the figures of the four imperatives to illustrate that we should place a balanced approach to coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, and renewable energy resources and their development. I would propose a priority list of strategies for technological developments in clean coal, natural gas and nuclear power as China’s national energy policy, followed by a set of strategies for emission control measures in centralised energy and renewable bio-energy developments in niche areas such as waste minimisation and management, land rehabilitation, and agriculture.



