
报告题目:Polar auxin transport and auxin regulated plant growth response

报告人:丁兆军(Zhao-Jun Ding)博士

     Department of Plant Systems Biology,VIB Ghent University, Belgium 



联系人:王台研究员 (twang@ibcas.can.cn)




1) Zhaojun Ding, Tai Wang, Kang Chong and Shunong Bai. Isolation and Characterization of OsDMC1, the Rice Homologue of the Yeast DMC1 Gene Essential for Meiosis. Sex Plant Reprod, 13:285-288,2001.

2) Tai Wang, Zhaojun Ding. The Research Development of Genes about Meiosis. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(4)241-248,2002.

3) Zhaojun Ding, Tai Wang et al. The Rice Tapetum-specific Gene RA39 Encodes a TypeI Ribosome-inactivating Protein. Sex Plant Reprod,15:205-212,2002.

4) Zhaojun Ding, Zhuyun Deng, Jiayi Tao, Liangran Zhang and Tai Wang. The molecular mechanism of chromosome segregation. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(4)2014-2021,2003.

5) Zhaojun Ding, Doyle MR, Amasino RM, Davis SJ. A complex genetic interaction betweenArabidopsis thalianaTOC1 and CCA1/LHY in driving the circadian clock and in output regulation. Genetics, 176(3):1501-10,2007 Jul.(Issue highlighted paper).

6) Zhaojun Ding, Millar AJ, Davis AM, Davis SJ. TIME FOR COFFEE encodes a nuclear regulator in the Arabidopsis thaliana circadian clock. Plant Cell,19(5):1522-36,2007 May.

7) Zádníková P, Petrásek J, Marhavy P, Raz V, Vandenbussche F, Zhaojun Ding, Schwarzerová K, Morita MT, Tasaka M, Hejátko J, Van Der Straeten D, Friml J, Benková E. Role of PIN-mediated auxin efflux in apical hook development of Arabidopsis thaliana. Development, 137(4):607-17, 2010 Feb.

8) Zhaojun Ding and Jiri Friml. Auxin regulates distal stem cell differentiation in Arabidopsis roots. PNAS, 2010. (in press).

9) Zhaojun Ding et al., Light-mediated polarization of auxin transport for phototropic response in Arabidopsis. Nat Cell Bio. (under revision).

10) Zhaojun Ding et al., PIN5 and PIN8 have an antagonistic role in auxin transport, plant growth and development. (Submitted to Science).

11) Zhaojun Dinget al., WOX5 regulates root development through manipulating auxin homeostasis. (in preparation).



